
Saturday, March 27, 2010




Of all the friends I've ever met. Your the one I won't forget. And if I die before you do, I'll go to heaven and wait for you.


When the night comes, look at the sky. If you see a falling star, don't wonder why, just make a wish. Trust me, it will come true, because I did it and I found you.


Words however special... could never even start, to tell you all the love I have for you within my heart.


I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU!.…


Love under the stars... they seem very far, but you are so close the star I love the most.


Somewhere, some1 dreams of your smile & finds your presence in life so worthwhile. So when your lonely, remember its true that some1, somewhere, is thinking of u.


Theres a warmth in my heart. It haunts me when you're gone. Mend me to your side and never let go. The more I live The more I know, what's simple is true, I love U.


Falling in love is when she falls asleep in your arms and wakes up in your dreams!


My love, words however special ... could never even start, to tell you all the love I have for you within my heart!!!


The day that I'll die, when death replaces birth, I'll recognize angels' faces, because I live with one on earth.


Loving you could take my life, but when I look into your eyes, I know you're worth that sacrafice!


Heaven is the place where I would be, the day you would stop loving me!


I miss you ... I need you ... More and more .... each day ... I love you ... more than words ... can ever say.


If a big fat man creeps into your bedroom one night and stuffs you into a bag, Then do not worry 'cause I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas!


The hardest thing in life is watching someone you love , loving someone else.


Love is hard and will always be, but remember somebody loves you and that one is ME !


Don't love 1, don't love 2, but love the 1 who loves you.


The words are easy when the language is LOVE !


There is somebody in the world. Diferent from the rest. The sweetest person I know. That is why I love you so.


You showed me how it is to be loved. Now I know what really love is. 1 day we will be together forever. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again.


I love three things: the sun, the moon and you. The sun for the day, the moon for the night and you for ever.


I love the 'y'
Ilove the 'u'
Ilove the 'o'
put them together
and Ilove 'you'


For the world you are somebody, but for somebody, you are the world! Lots of love, Somebody.


The first time we kissed, I closed my eyes, He closed his eyes, and then....… WE MISSED!


Sometimes words are hard to find, to form that perfect line to let you know you're always on my mind!


Where ever you're going, I'm going your way !


Ferrari's are red, Lambo's are blue... but I am as happy in a mini with you.


For there is a certain someone who makes the grey sky blue, I'm glad to say that one is you.


I don't wanna feel the way that I do, I just wanna be right here with you, I don't wanna see, see us apart, I just wanna say straight from my heart I miss you


If you're the desert, I'd be the sea. If you hunger then hunger for me. Everything you ask I'll be. It's all good as long it's you I see.


You can fall from a bridge, you can fall from above, but the best way of falling, is falling in love!


If I could rearrange the alphabet, Id put U and I together.


Kiss me and you will see stars; Love me and I will give them to you.


The moment I first saw you, you warmed my heart, the second time you made little flames and now you make my heart burn like hell !


God in heaven... god above,plz protect the 1 i luv sent with a smile and sealed with a kiss... i luv the 1 who's readin this...


If I send u a txt, I can play with ur thoughts non-stop If I give u a call, I can play with ur mind non-stop If I were to meet u, id play with ur body non-stop.


4give my eyes 4 admiring u. u stole my heart the moment I saw u call me crazy, call me insane each time my heart beats it mentions ur name.


Seeking luv is a mission... finding luv is a complexed ambition... so y not go wiv the asian tradition, and let the parentz make the decision...


Last night I asked my angel to watch over you...but he came back soon.I asked:"Why?"He smiled and said:"An angel doesn't watch over another angel...."


();;;;Many People ) /Will Walk In & ( /Out Of Ur Life, But Only True Friends Will Leave Foot Prints In Your Heart.....U Left Ur's In Mine ! -xXx-


I lost my rubber duckie.Would you bath with me instead!!!


if a kiss was a rain drop is send you showers if a hug was a second id send you hours if a smile was water id send you a sea if you ever get lonly id send you me


if your asking if id hurt you the answer is never, if your asking if i love you the answer is forever, if your asking if i want you the answer is i do, if your asking who i luv the most the anwer is you


Love is like a bird, if you hold it tightly it dies, if you hold it slightly it flies, better take good care of it


Why am I so lonley if you are always in my dreams


I am a COP, your under arrest for being you its illegal to be as cute and sexy as you are, your sentence is a lifetime imprisement in my heart.


There are many things in this world that i CAN leave without... but the one thing i CAN'T leave with out is...YOU!


I wrote your name in the sand...but it got washed away,I wrote your name in the sky...but it got blown away,I write your name in my heart....n thats where it will stay.


Every moment we share together is even better than the moment before. If every days was as good as today was, then i can't wait until tomorrow comes.


If I die tonight, I'd go with no regret. If it's in your arms, I know that I was blessed. And if your eyes r the last thing I see, I know I'll die with a smile.


As we grow old together,as we continue to change with age, there is one thing that will never change....i will always keep falling in love with you.


Everytime I hear my message tone I always hope that the message comes from U. My SIM card may have limited memory but my heart has unlimited space for you.


The message Ive got 4 U is in the universal language and cant B send by SMS but must B given 2 U personally by me. Cos only U would understand my personal message


There are many people in this world. But not one of them is like U, the brigitest star in the galaxy. Star who i can talk and laugh to star who i love the most


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Tag: [Download Books] [Papuan Jokes] [LOVES SMS] [Download Aplications] [FUNNY SMS] [Faculty of Letters of UNIPA] [PRAGMATICS]

Friday, March 26, 2010


1. jenazah ilang

iMam UdA Siap Ma'mum udA Mnunggu

kaiN Kfan dah d'bEliin

t'Nah dah digaLi

keRanda dAh dsiapin

tpi JnaZah ny mN?

MasyAllah d'tungguin mLah bCa sms..
Pernahkah anda menerima atau mengirim SMS atau Short message Service yang bertemakan lucu?!

Kalo pernah, yuk gabung di sini sambil sharing SMS lucu anda, seperti ini :

innalillahi wainailahi rojiun..
tlah pulang ke rahmatullah,
siti cacing binti kepiting,
dalam keadaan bunting,
pake baju kuning bercelana pink,
akan di kebumikan di bawah pohon belimbing,
tapi jenazahnya lg di bawa meeting oleh mas tobing,
jadinya yang nunggu pada pusing...
ada yg di gigit anjing sampe bibirnya sumbing,
hingga yang baca tertawa terkencing-kencing


"Jangan pernah menikah dengan orang satu kampung."


"Karena satu saja sudah bikin repot, apalagi kalau sekampung"


Dari depan kamu mirip orang jepang. Dari belakang kamu mirip artis dari jepang.

Salut buat kamu teman. semua itu ku akui karena rambutmu kayak rumput jepang dan wajahmu kayak sandal jepang.


Kamu sangat menawan
Namun ada sedikit masalah..


Waktu mau sms kamu, hatiku jadi deg2an. Gak tau napa. Akhirnya aku beranikan tuk ungkapkan bahwa selama ini aku sayang banget ma PULSAKU


Rajin Pangkal Pandai, Hemat Pangkal Kaya, Enak Pangkal PAHA.


1.cintamu sepanjang "tembok raksasa cina"
2.tinggimu setinggi "menara eifel"
3.rumahmu setara "taj mahal"
4.kekuatanmu sekuat "candi borobudur"
5.kesucianmu sesuci "ka'bah"
6.ketangguhanmu setangguh "coloseum roma"
7.namun otakmu semiring "menara condong"


Kamu janji gak kan ninggalin aku..

Tapi kenapa sekarang kamu ninggalin aku..?

Apa aku salah punya tampang seganteng ini?

Tolong reply jika aku benar-benar ganteng..

Tapi kalo kamu gak reply tandanya kamu cinta sama aku..


Wanita sering tidak konsisten. Sering demo, teriak2 Anti Kekerasan. Pas ada maunya malah minta yang KERAS!


Nelpon ke semua operator cuma Rp. 100,-/jam mulai jam 06:00 sampai dengan 23:59.
Promo ini berlaku jika TELKOMSEL punya NENEKMU


Kata bijak hari ini. Hai kamu para wanita jangan pernah percaya pada mulut pria apalagi pada yang mengatakan kamu cantik.


Ku terpanah saat menatap matamu
Nafasku Terhenti sejenak
Denyut jantungku berdebar kencang
Apakah ini yang kurasakan
KENTUT Yaaa......


Suatu hari dalam hutan rimba.
Monyet: "Tarzan..., kenapa sih engkau saja yang pakai celana? Kami semua tak pakai. Ada rahasia apa sih?"
Tarzan: "Nggak ada rahasia²an!"
Monyet: "Kita kan berkawan baik. Masak sama kita saja ada rahasia?"
Tarzan: "Aku bilang nggak ada..., ya nggak ada!"
Monyet sungguh enggak puas dengan jawaban Tarzan. Jadi dia pun ajak kawan² dia ke pondok Tarzan dan mengintai untuk mencari rahasia Tarzan.
Seperti biasa, sebelum mandi Tarzan mesti buka celananya (itulah satu²nya celana dia). Begitu lihat Tarzan yang bugil monyet² pun ketawa sampai sakit perut. Monyet berkata, "Pantesan saja dia pakai celana. Rupanya dia malu, sebab ekor dia ada di depan, pendek dan buntet lagi!!!"


Ada 3 kategori monyet

1.Monyet Penurut: yang mau baca sms ini...!!!
2.Monyet Pendendam: yang mau balez sms ini...!!!
3.Monyet Pelit: yang gk mau balez sms ini...!!!


Selamat datang di layanan Telkonmet

Tekan 1 untuk pengisian pulsa
Tekan 2 untuk mengetahui pulsa
Tekan 3 untuk mengetahui masa aktif pulsa
Tekan 4 untuk berbicara dengan operator
Untuk mengakhiri panggilan silahkan tekan HP anda dengan palu !!


Berikut ini adalah spesies-spesies yang dianggap berbahaya bagi umat manusia:

1. Garongus felicus (kucing garong)
2. No-bones tongus (si lidah tak bertulang)
3. Difacius humanus (si muka dua)

Dan yang paling berbahaya adalah Crocodylus daratensis, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan "Buaya Darat" karena mereka merupakan ancaman terbesar bagi kaum hawa!!


Aku punya 2 kura-kura dan aku kasih nama "MUKA" dan "PANTAT"

Trus "MUKA" aku kasih ke kamu. tapi selang 1 tahun kemudian mati...

Setelah itu... tiap aku liat "PANTAT" , aku ingat "MUKA" mu...

Andai saja tidak mati... mungkin "MUKA"mu udah segede "PANTAT" ku say...


Bambang : "Pak, tolong pak!"
Asep : "Ada apaan de???"
Bambang : "Itu pak ada ikan tenggelam di sungai!!!"
Asep : "!@#$%"


Terjemahkan kalimat berikut dalam bahasa Inggris!

1. dua satu dua satu dua mobil adalah pohon
2. dua satu dua satu dua mobil warna


1. Two One Two One Two Car Is Tree (tuan tuan tukar istri)
2. Two One Two One Two Car Colour (tuan tuan tukar kolor)


Buah semangka buah duren, Engga nyangka gue keren. Buah semangka buah manggis, engga nyangka gue manis, Ada gula ada semut, gila gue imut!


Kirim SMS ini ke 20 orang yang anda sayangi.Dijamin pulsa Anda akan berkurang secara otomatis


Soekarno bnyk anak, Soeharto sayang anak, Habibie spt anak-anak, Gus Dur dituntun anak, Megawati spt mau beranak


Terjadi gempa di Yogyakarta yang menewaskan 70 orang, 56 luka parah ,50 orang tidak di temukan dan yang satunya lagi sedang tertipu oleh gosip ini.


Semangatmu seperti BUNG TOMO,

Otakmu sepandai BUNG KARNO,

Jasamu sebesar BUNG HATTA,

Tapi, wajahmu seperti BUNGkusan Nasi.


Aku Ingin Katakan Something To U Tapi Jangan Marah Yah! Jangan sampai pershabatan kita rusak.

Aq Tau ini Terlalu Cepat Sebelum Aku Terlambat dan Sebelum Orang Lain Katakan PadaMu Lebih Baik Aku Katakan Sekarang kalo aku ingin bilang 1 2 3 jangan lupa pipis dulu kalo mau bobo'...!!!


CiNtA iTu BuTa
bUtA iTu MaTa
MaTa ItU buLaT
bUlAt ItU tElUr
TeLuR iTu KuNiNg
KuNiNg ItU tAe
TaE iTu Bau
bAu ItU kAmU

ArTiNyA CiNtA kAmU iTu BaUuUuUUuu........!!!!


Tmn gw naksir lo,gw bilang dari car lo bicara spt 15 taun, cr bpakaian spt 17 tahun, cara lo bcr spt 12, dari cara berjalan seperti 16 taun.jd gw bilang umur lo 60 taun


cinta ini, cinta adalah, cinta caraku, cinta untuk, cinta membuat, cinta monyet, cinta bingung. ####### "Bacalah tanpa menggunakan kata cinta".


Ingin mendapatkan Rp 50.000 perhari dari Sprite? caranya gampang, kumpulkan tutup botol sprite, paku, dan sebilah kayu. Goyangkan diperempatan jalan sambil bernyanyi.
Hati-hati... Jaga kesehatan anda. skrg lg musim pnyakit, Konsumsilah mkanan yg mngandung zat besi.....
Sprti : 0beng, linggis, gergaji, cangkul, N sejenisx, bestu.

Trus makan yg ber serat sprti : Kulit kelapa, kulit pinang, keset kaki, bl perlu telan tu biji kendong-dong....

Trs mnm minuman yg cpt pembakaraX dlm tubuh Sprti : Spirtus, bensin, solar, myak tanah, bl prlu sedot tu gas el-piji, Ha...Ha...Ha...
Sekilas info:menvrut kesepakatan para artis,kbvran mbah surip akn d gali n akan d ambil mayatx krn jka d dlm kubur,mayatx akn BANGUN TIDUR, TIDUR LAGI..BANGUN TIDUR, TIDUR LAGI.Oleh krn i2:myt mbah surip tdk akn d kubur, melainkan d GENDONG KEMANA-MANA oleh cucu tersayangx yg baca sms ini.He.he.he...

Tag: [Download Books] [Papuan Jokes] [LOVES SMS] [Download Aplications] [FUNNY SMS] [Faculty of Letters of UNIPA] [PRAGMATICS]